Recovering value from waste:

Recycling strategies and advanced solutions for waste Recycling strategies and advanced solutions for waste

Recycling strategies and advanced solutions for waste

360 ECO has a long track record in identifying and assessing emerging solutions for paper industry bi-products including paper sludge, ash and plastic rejects. We facilitate relationships between our clients, suppliers and universities to accelerate technology development and commercialisation, often managing and delivering innovation projects.

For high CV plastics-rich wastes we are working with suppliers of ‘distributed’ solutions including plastics pyrolysis, plastic/wood co-gasification, as well as methods to clean up and condition feedstocks for application in valuable plastic products.

We are investigating new AD solutions for cellulose-rich paper sludge. Our work with paper sludge ash has focussed on the development of high value light weight fillers and the creation of super hydrophobic substances with Imperial College.

Core capabilities:

Identifying and assessing emerging solutions and quantifying market opportunities

Feedstock characterisation and clean-up

Facilitating grant support to accelerate market uptake.

We are currently working with Imperial College London to investigate the use of a super hydrophobic coating which was developed from paper mill boiler ash to reduce the energy required to pump water in pipe lines: see

Download our paper on gasification

Download our presentation to Confederation of Paper Industries/PITA